Monday, 14 November 2016

Reason of Stress in Life

     We are living in a world that is changing every moments. Here no rule is applicable that can make every individual happy. This world is materialistic and human beings are mortal. What we earn and learn here will remain in this world only and we have to go alone from this world, leaving everything behind us.

Historical Evidence:
  1. Mentioned in Greek epic, Homer's Iliad around 720 BC
  2. Mention in Ramayana in literature written around 5000 BC. Ravana's brother Maarich suffered from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  3. Mention in Mahabharata epic. Demon king Kansha suffered when Lord Krishna killed all his demon's army. 

Stress In Life
Stress in life

     Due to changing nature of world, changing human behavior and very uncertain behavior of nature, stress comes in our life and we feel tensed. Followings are main reason of stress in life.

  1. Lack of Job opportunity.

  2. Unhealthy work environment.

  3. Lack of moral values in promotion.

  4. High day-to-day life expenditure.

  5. Addiction of tobacco and alcohol.

  6. Loss of family and friends.

  7. Haziness in life due to lack of clear vision.

  8. Peer pressure.

  9. High ambitions in life.

  10. Job insecurity.

  11. Terrorism and violence in day-to-day life.

  12. Uncertain and changing behavior of nature.

  13. Lack of confidence.

  14. Lack of proper education system.

  15. Lack of good friends.

  16. Bad experience of life takes longer time to completely recover.

  17. Discrimination in society.

  18. Feeling of inferiority complex in life.

  19. Not getting proper acknowledgement for good work done for family, society, country etc.

  20. Short shortsightedness vision in life.

     Due to stress people are suffering from mental illness and suicide cases are increasing. In Japan suicide cases are already very high. Stress can be overcome by having positive thinking, increasing social activities, spending proper times with family etc.

     Stress major reason is due to reason that we expect result after our every act. But in Mahabharata lord Krishna has told Arjuna that do your work and don't expect result after every act. Result is in almighty God's hand and based on your कर्मा, you will get result.

     Whole purpose of life is to lead a happy and healthy life. Not only physical health is important, mental health is also very important. Scientific development, money, education, status etc. are immaterial if we are not stress free. Lets take initiative to lead a stress free life and helps others also to become mentally happy.

Take Away:
  1. Stress kills talent
  2. Stress causes lack of concentration
  3. Stress causes lack of confidence
  4. Stress disturb well being
  5. Stress is slow poison
  6. Everybody should avoid stress

Key Highlights:
Why we have stress in modern life?
How stress can be overcome?
Stressful Modern Life
जीवन में तनाव के कारन
तनाव से कैसे मुक्ति पायें

Other Interesting Reading:

    Reasons to have Girl Friend

         Co-operation between women and men are required to make life beautiful, charming, dashing and flourishing. For this reason male and female have to come together and have to understand each other. In old days, before start of modern and progressive society, men and women had only chance to understand each other after marriage.

    Girl Friend in Life
    Girl Friend in Life

         Now we have moved a long way and women are contributing and excelling in every fields. Men have now chance to understand women from early stage of life. Now-a-day following are main reasons to have girl friend.

    1. Long study duration and late settlement in job.

    2. Late marriage after working four to five years in job.

    3. Openness of modern society.

    4. Acceptance of male and female friendship in society.

    5. Effects of Boolywood and Hollybood in society.

    6. Due to nuclear family, boys and girls are leading lonely and monotonous life. So they look for friendship in school, college and work place.

    7. Natural attraction of boys and girls.

    8. Opposite sex friendship boosts confidence and well beings.

    9. Peer pressure is another important reason. Having nice, smart and charming girl friend(s) is (are) a status symbol and measure of smartness in collage and work culture.

    10. Girls feeling of insecurity, encourage her to make friendship with boys.

    11. Friendship helps in reducing financial burden. While going to market on share basis reduces their cost of leaving at the initial stage of career.

    12. Home sickness due to working at long distance from home town.

    13. Helps in choosing life partner.

    14. Encouragement by institutions to work male and female together.

    15. Helps in reducing introvert nature and egoistic behavior.

    16. This is part of natural selection.

    17. This is concept that shows human being is united and acts as a mankind for better world. 

    Take Away:

    1. Concept of girl friend has gained popularity in modern society.
    2. Having girl-friend has become symbol of smartness and intelligence.
    3. In today's life men and women need to work together.
    4. For progressive society, cooperation between men and women are required.

    Key Highlights:
    Why we should have girlfriend?
    What is benefits of having girlfriend?
    What is living relationship?
    What is friendship outside wedlock?
    महिला मित्र जिन्दगी में क्यों चाहिए?

      Thursday, 10 November 2016

      Money Grows On Plant

           By reading this post, reader must be thinking that I have become  crazy. If money grows on plant, then why anybody will work. Life will be awesome and whenever we run out of money, take it from any plant.

      History of Money:

      1. Lydia's king in 600 BC minted currency
      2. Chinese made paper currency in 600 BC
      3. Now paper notes, coins and plastic card use is prevalent

           This post want to highlight that if we work positively and hard, then at right time opportunity comes that will create money very easily for many generations to come.

           There is saying that --- "we become, what we think".  Our aim in life should be to achieve great height and do remarkably great things for our society and country.

           Money is very valuable in life. Without money we can not take care of our family. Following proverb shows the importance of money in life.

      "A penny saved is a penny earned"
      "A wise man's day is worth a fool's life"
      "Beggars can't be choosers"
      "Money makes money"
      Money Grows on Plant
      Money Grows on Plant
      Do Money Grows on Plant?

           There is proverb in hindi "पैसे पेड़ पर नहीं लगते हैं ". This means that money does not grow on plant. Earning money is very difficult task. But sometimes earning money is very easy if opportunities come and that are grabbed with both hands on time. Followings are some example that will prove that -- yes money grows on plant.

      1. Successful business generated lots of money for generations. Successful business family example are Wal-Mart, Koch , Ambani, Tata, Birla etc.

      2. Success of an invention open door for many profitable business ideas. X-ray invention open door for medical, material, physics, astronomy etc.

      3. Successful sport personality earns millions of dollars annually. Tiger Woods, Roger Federer, Sachin Tendulkar, M.S. Dhoni, Virat Kohli etc. are example.

      4. Exploration of Gold, Diamond, Oil reserve etc are example.

      5. World economies are increasing day by day due to increase in opportunities as a result of science and technological development.

      6. Money, currency etc. are human's creation of mind. New scientific discoveries will bring more prosperity to mankind.

           Now I hope reader must have got my point. Readers comment are awaited.

      Take Away:

      1. Money is medium of trade
      2. Hard work pays in terms of money
      3. Smart work, invention and innovation can generate lots of money
      4. Abundance of Natural resources is like money

      Key Highlights:
      Why is money plant?
      Can money grows on plant?
      पैसों का पेड़
      क्या पैसे पेड़ पर लगते है?

      Problem Free Life

           Everybody wants problem free life. This should be our aim and top priority of life.
      Stress Free Life
      Stress Free Life

           To achieve problem free life, followings are ideas based on my personal experience.

      1. Always innovates so that you are gaining knowledge to survive in this dynamic world.

      2. Always focus on work and not the outcomes of work. This knowledge is given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna in Mahabharata.

      3. Collaborate and co-operate with different skill set people.

      4. Always update yourself with different types of knowledge.

      5. Looks for new opportunities.

      6. Fight with problems, because new opportunity lies in problem itself.

      7. Be always positive and looks for people with positive thinking.

      8. Listen others point of view and analyze to have prior idea of future based on others knowledge.

      9. Invest in business which is rising and has better growth prospects for next 30-40 years.

      10. Do not put all your eggs in single basket. So you diversify your wealth and knowledge in at least 4-5 areas.

      11. Follow already successful and big named personality to check if your are deviating from your goals.

      12. Set your long term and short term goals properly and review them periodically.

      13. Give importance to knowledge and health and not money.

      14. Lead normal and routine life to maximize your time.

      15. After three-four failure in certain area, change your approach to solve the problem.

      16. Properly define your goals in life. If goals are properly defined then you will achieve  your goals sooner or latter.

           Human is most intelligent creature of God. If we attentively and rationally  understand the problem, then it can be solved. Moreover we are living in golden era of technology development. All types of knowledge are available on internet free of cost.

           Problem free life is an idealistic situation. In practical world, some sorts of problem will always be there. So it is better to prepare yourself so that you are ready and problem can be reduced in life.

      Take Away:

      1. Think in new direction to overcome difficulty to make life stress free
      2. Innovation can bring cheers in life
      3. Become open minded and always look for opportunity

      Key Highlights:
      How to make life problem free?
      Live tension free live.
      Change your living style
      समस्या रहित जिंदगी कैसे वैतित करें? 

      Natural Reason Of Corruption

           Can corruption be removed completely? Can we overcome corruption? Can corruption be stopped forever? If these questions bother you then you are at right post. Here you will get physiological reason of why corruption takes place in almost all countries.
           Human by nature is very political and intelligent living creature.  Man always look after the opportunity to get easy and safe money. Everybody must have given some sort of corruption money in government offices for his/her work done.

      Corruption is Menace

           Corruption is like a sin for society. Its effect is very devastating. Followings are major reason of corruption.

      1. Low moral value of individual, family, society and nation as whole.

      2. Lack of moral criteria in promotion. Sometimes less efficient and talented candidates get promotion. This forces genuine and talented candidates to indulge in illegal fixing and corruption.

      3. Lack of law enforcement to catch the corrupt. Corruption law is softer than criminal case law.

      4. Personal greed to collect more wealth in short span of time to lead luxurious life.

      5. Lack of transparency at institutional level.

      6. Reacting softly and mildly on corruption charges.

      7. Lack of job opportunities. So people offer money for favor of job.

      8. Lack of clear vision in citizen's life.

      9. Loopholes in law nitty-gritty. Without proper proof, corrupt officer get out clean.

      10. Lack of skilled manpower in law enforcement agency.

      11. Greed of family members (siblings, spouse, children etc.).

      12. No work recognition even after working honestly.

      13. Injustice of society, government, institution etc. Due to this officer think that corruption is their right.

      14.  Greed to earn money for generations yet to come.

           Every country is fighting against black money. Corruption is the main reason of black money. Black money is like parallel economy. Country economy dive nose due to black money.

           Some people take pride in committing social crime like taking bribe by mis-utilizing their official power to generate black money. Black money and corruption become their status symbol. More the black money, more powerful and intelligent that person is.

           Purpose of this blog is not to advocate corruption, but to make reader aware of why corruption is prevalent in society. Eliminating corruption is impossible, but we should try to minimize corruption.

           Everybody wants to reduce corruption, but they want easy money. This is why corruption is present from the time human started developing their first civilization.

      Take Away:

      1. Corruption can not be removed, but it can be minimized
      2. Corruption is prevalent in all countries
      3. Corruption is black spot on society
      4. Corruption favors powerful

      Key Highlights:
      Why every country suffer from corruption?
      How to overcome corruption menace?
      Black money due to corruption
      भ्रस्टाचार से मुक्ति कैसे पायें 
      भ्रस्टाचार का उन्मूलन के उपाय